Monday, January 16, 2012

L´s and R´s

Note for my Spanish pronounciation- my l´s sound like my r´s. That´s what I found the hard way when I asked a taxi driver for the stop for the trufi (a shared taxi) to a town called Tarata. Delivered to an unmarked trufi at an unmarked corner of the city´s biggest market, I hopped in and checked with the two other already waiting in the van that we were in fact going to Tarata. They confirmed, so I squeezed into my corner, and waited to fill up the trufi so we could depart. 8 additional adults, 3 babies, and 2 puppies later, the trufi was full and we were on our way.

After we passed a tiny town, the women I had asked about Torata upon entering the told me that I missed my stop. So I hopped out, crossed the highway, and waited on the side of the road as a woman tended her farm and 4 sheep grazed around me. Less than four minutes later I hailed down another trufi to return me to the town, which I realized as I walked into the plaza was ToLata not ToRata.

Minus 10 points for getting lost on my first day trip. Plus 20 for going somewhere that is really off the tourist track.

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